Cyber­ attack disrupted the worldwide operations @ Merck & Co., Inc.

In June 2017, the company disclosed that it had suffered a "network cyber ­attack" resulting in the disruption of its worldwide operations, including manufacturing, research and sales operations. It was reported that as many as 30,000 laptops/desktop...

Cyber-attack at fashion website affects 39 million individuals' data @ and ZOETOP BUSINESS COMPANY, LIMITED

In September 2018, the fashion company disclosed that they had suffered a "sophisticated" cyber attack that had exposed the private information of 6.4 million customers. The company explained that hackers infiltrated their servers through "back door ...

143 million customer records stolen at credit reference agency @ Equifax Inc.

In September 2017, one of the big three credit reference agencies disclosed they had suffered a data breach which exposed personally identifiable information for 143 million US customers along with other customers around the world. The attackers expl...

Credit card numbers, bank account information, medical information and other personal data of 11.9 million people was potentially exposed @ Quest Diagnostics Incorporated

In June 2019, one of the world’s leading medical diagnostic companies reported that its collection provider's payment page was breached for eight months and that nearly 12 million customers' medical and financial records were exposed. Patients tr...

Data breach affected millions over 10 months @ Wawa, Inc.

In December 2019, the company disclosed the discovery of malware on their payment processing servers affecting likely all of its locations. The company immediately engaged an external forensics firm and notified law enforcement (which was publicly dec...

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